
Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test

I think my results – which ended up being ESFJ – are pretty accurate. ESFJ means extroverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. Myself, as well as others who received the same result, are describe as “generous entertainers”. We also like to be in charge and we have no problem expressing our emotions, especially if we are upset. I do like to be in charge and I feel I am good and effective at resolving issues in the most rational way. The website describes ESFJ’s as caretakers and mothering. I feel like I do not completely act in that way, but I do care about others well being and I do have sympathy and empathy for others, I just would not say I am mothering. The most accurate part of the personality type is the extrovert aspect. I love to be around people, I love to keep busy, and I love to socialize.


Again, I was classified as an ESFJ. Since I figured the same result as the previous test would have a similar description, I looked into compatible careers on this site. I am currently in the education program, studying to be a high school English teacher and a basketball coach. All of the possible careers listed on the site all involved working with others, or serving others. I found it interesting athletic coach, elementary teacher, and special education teacher were listed, but not high school teacher. I think all types of teachers fit with the ESFJ personality type because they interact and help their students.

Big 5 Test

Factor 1: Extraversion- I scored on the 96th percentile for this factor. High scorers are outgoing and social.

Factor 2: Emotional Stability- I scored low, 36th percintile, on this factor. There’s not a long description for this factor, but I assume it means ability to control emotions. I agree with my low score on this because I easily become stressed, worried, or upset. I can easily let out my emotions and sometimes it is not in the best way.

Factor 3: Agreeableness- I scored on the 87th percentile, meaning I am friendly and and optimistic. This is accurate because I rarely have conflict with people, I have a wide variety of friends, and I am open to new things or people.

Factor 4: Conscientiousness- I scored only in the 36th percentile. Having a low score in this category means you are impulsive and disorganized. I know I am disorganized in the fact I leave my room and desk messy, but when it comes to organizing my school work and schedule I am good at that.

Factor 5: Intellect/Imagination- I scored on the 70th percentile on this category, meaning I am open to new experiences. People who score low are traditional and conservative. While I am definitely open to new things in every aspect, I do have traditions I stand strong with and my political views are completely conservative.

Color Quiz

I identified with some factors in my results, but for the most part I did not find this quiz accurate. My results said I am emotional and artistic and I need to be surrounded by beautiful things and art. I am not an artistic person whatsoever, and I find what most people consider “art” quite boring. It continues to say I need to meet people who have the same high value for themselves as I do, which is true, but then the results stated I still feel unfulfilled, which is not true. I am content with my current relationships with the people I associate with. The results said I am conceited and offended easily, again, not true. I am actually very critical of myself, but I do not necessarily care about outside negative thoughts people may have about me. The only other factor I actually identified with was I often feel stressed.

To conclude, the first three tests were accurate. They all had similar results in which I was able to identify with. As for the color quiz, I do not find it credible.
